
From IndieWeb

Creative Blocks in WordPress was a session at IndieWebCamp East 2020.

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Notes archived from etherpad: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/wordpressblocks on 2020-11-17 at 12:33 PM Pacific

IndieWebCamp East 2020
Session: Creative Blocks in WordPress
When: 2020-11-14 13:50 PM Eastern


  • Jeremy Felt (facilitator)
  • The future of WordPress is built on the new block editor, Gutenberg, and an entirely different editing experience than the one we've used for years. The next several releases will continue to introduce changes, including some form of full site editing through blocks. What are some creative ways the block editor can be used to create an IndieWeb presence?
  • Initial seeds:
  • Interested in attending:



  • Microformats missing from themes in general, which makes adoption of the block editor tough
    • limited theme options to use as parent themes
    • How do adapt microformat properties to how WordPress outputs markup
    • Legacy themes are using MF1 classes as a styling hook - changes in core to inject MF2 may help
    • Less markup in general may help the block editor output
  • How do things get into Core?

See Also