Micropublish is a simple open source web-app for posting, updating, and deleting content via Micropub to a website.
Micropublish is written by Barry Frost who hosts a live version at micropublish.net.
All Ruby source code is available on GitHub.
- Create, update, delete and undelete posts.
- Templates for creating note, article, rsvp, bookmark, reply, repost, and like posts.
- Uses either form-encoded (x-www-form-urlencoded) or JSON methods.
- Preview the request that will be sent to the server before it's sent.
- Supports multiple values for URL properties (e.g. in-reply-to).
- Customize types, icons, defaults, ordering and required properties.
- Mobile-first. All views have been designed and optimized for mobile.
- JavaScript is not required and you can happily use Micropublish without it. The user interface is progressively enhanced when JavaScript is enabled.
- Full errors and feedback displayed from the server and endpoints.
IndieWeb Examples
People using Micropublish to post to their website:
Barry Frost since 2015-02-13 at barryfrost.com (selfdogfooding!)
- Greg since 2015-09-17 at unrelenting.technology
- 2025-02-09: Added support for IndieAuth Server Metadata https://github.com/barryf/micropublish/issues/118
- 2016-12-31 - Micropublish was rewritten to be compatible with recent changes to the Micropub specification, including JSON requests for updating posts. It introduces many breaking changes from earlier versions of the spec, e.g. mp-syndicate-to instead of syndicate-to, and bookmark-of instead of bookmark.
- 2015-02-13 - The first, create-only version of Micropublish was released. It used an older, deprecated Micropub syntax.