Front End Study Hall #018 was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on January 2, 2025.
Front End Study Hall #018
January 2, 2025
- Joe Crawford
- Dr. Matt Lee
- Kevin Marks
- Tantek Γelik
- (and a few other folks who found their way via Eric Meyer's retoot on Mastodon)
- Joe's Zoom background today is from the website for David Siegel's Creating Killer Websites - which in 1996 was state of the art - which at the time meant <FONT> and <TABLE> tags and spacer GIFs to push what was possible on the web.
Modern browser features and Ruby on Rails
- Dr. Matt Lee ran current Ruby on Rails this past weekend and was asked whether the frontend stack should use more modern features, some were familiar, some weren't:
- :has()
- Bruce Lawson calls it "The God Selector"
- CSS Nesting
- CSS Nesting
- Previously only available in LESS, CSS syntax in many environments can use a nested syntax
- "Import Maps"
- A way to point to namespaced JavaScript modules
- Akin to source maps
- "Badging"
- Might be referring to the Badging API
For the next FrESH
- Goal for next FRESH for Joe Crawford make :has based navigation a11y compliant (with ARIA-?) for
Misc Topics, What's up with an abbreviations?
- Why is a11y abbreviated like that?
- has an answer
- It's less characters to type
- Some find it an unhelpful abbreviation
I have a static site, how do I add search? How do I find things within my site as it grows?
- Use a widget from a popular search engine
- e.g. Google
- Community member capjamesg has wrotten about his own site and search engine
- Consider other means to help navigate, an index page with all your
- Very much in the vein of a digital garden, yes, sites expand, get unwieldly, but can evolve over time, this is something of a natural growth of using websites like a journal, like a diary, like a notebook, like a scientist's records
- Joe is not discovering radium, but is discovering/improving radial gradients?
- Kevin Marks points out that Twitter at one time had an export that. included a JavaScript based search that did not require any sort of backend server technology
- SQLite based search?
- Fuzzy Find Riprep - editor - Vim, Sublime Text style codes
- Joe uses phpStorm, BBedit, PyCharm
- Our own editors or operating systems can be helpful to search our own site
- Tools like Obsidian or Scrivener can search across a corpus on a local machine
Aside on Debugging
About consistency in browser rendering
- MSIE / CSS Gradient - hacks in CSS
- Browser consistency is far better these days
- -moz-, -webkit- prefixes cruft
- things like Tantek Γelik's Box Model hack are thankfully no longer state of the art when
box-sizing: border-box
is now widely available - Should I worry about nesting of my HTML code?
- What code formatting matters? How do we take in. reactions and criticism of others?
- Adam Bosworth on his time in the MSIE team: "we will render" no matter what
- Happy New Year FrESH! π₯³
- how to publish and represent opening hours for venues in the context of recommendations
- some background here:
- venue owners find it hard to update more than place
- people trust individuals more than larger services for more precise information
- Representing time intervals or any human construct comes. with limitations
- opening hours based on sunset
- park signs that say it is open until sundown
- business hours - perceived complexity, actual complexity
And. more on standards and their power
- There's no standard way for a buisiness to represent their operating hours in a way search engines and sites like yelp can consume, a la a robot.txt file?
- how/why is moving a text file from one computer to another more perhaps technically different than signing into (creating accounts on) multiple sites / services and updating them via forms
- anil dash's statement about "wherever you get your podcasts" is only true because Apple forced people to use an open RSS podcast standard for their dominant podcast tools / directory. see:
- counter-example: Google Reader's shut down affecting the feeds/RSS ecosystem
- RSS is powerful and portable - Joe saw a podcast that went quiet for years then 8-9 year then published a new episode!
- counter-example: tuaw(.)com being taken over by a gen AI spammer, took weeks for Christina Warren to get people to notice and get tuaw slop feeds taken down by Google News