
From IndieWeb

Expenses are both recurring and one-time costs incurred by admins and other folks to support shared IndieWeb resources (like hosting the IndieWeb community site) and events.

Here's how to request to be reimbursed for an IndieWeb community expense: https://opencollective.com/faq#expense. The IndieWeb's collective page is https://opencollective.com/indieweb.

Historically, we documented expenses on this wiki page, although now we use our open collective page which better tracks donations and spending.

Regular Expenses

Date Description Payer Payee Amount
2014-06-01 Linode VPS Hosting Aaron Parecki Linode $40.00
2014-05-01 Linode VPS Hosting Aaron Parecki Linode $40.00
2014-04-01 Linode VPS Hosting Aaron Parecki Linode $40.00
2014-03-11 Linode VPS Hosting Aaron Parecki Linode $27.10
2014-03-07 indieweb.org Aaron Parecki Namecheap $11.48
2014-01-14 indiewebcamp.com, indiewebcamp.org Aaron Parecki Dreamhost $21.90
2013-06-23 http://indiewebify.me Brennan Novak Namecheap $8.99
2013-01-15 indiewebcamp.com, indiewebcamp.org Aaron Parecki Dreamhost $19.90
2012-01-14 indiewebcamp.com, indiewebcamp.org Aaron Parecki Dreamhost $19.90
2011-01-13 indiewebcamp.com, indiewebcamp.net, indiewebcamp.org Aaron Parecki Dreamhost $29.85

Event Expenses

See Also