Homebrew Website Club - Nuremberg/Germany was an IndieWeb meetup in real life held on 2024-01-10.
BjΓΆrn Stierand -
- Sebastian Feldmann -
- Max HΓ€Γlein -
- Frank - FabLab
Just a small group today, mostly because of illnesses. But we keep on rollin'.
We talked about the general idea of the IndieWeb as there were 2 interested people from the Fab Lab crew who wanted to know what this is all about. We showed site-deaths, the Google Graveyard and different sites from
We then showed each other what we made in the recent month.
Max added a link to the notes on his website to receive tips via PayPal. Just after 4 days of implementing it he received his first tip today. Yay! He also added a feed to his daily photos and uses IFTTT to import them in Day One. To share photos, he created a (not yet published) photo gallery app with several features (auto-creation of thumbnails & caching, automatic generation of ZIP files for download, secret links etc.).

BjΓΆrn Stierand added an overview on his Now page of the music tracks he listened to most in the last 30 days. A script gets the data from and generates a web page that is included in his static web presence by an iframe.
Another iframe shows the latest track played on Spotify. When a track has finished playing, a private n8n instance triggers a webhook running on a private server. This call includes artist and title data from Spotify. The Python code behind the webhook creates a JSON file which then is parsed by a HTML page.
Sebastian added a new blog post to his site.