Homebrew Website Club Europe/London was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2024-07-24.
- Archived from:
Mark Sutherland
Sara JakΕ‘a
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
- Mark updated the IndiePass website over the weekend
- Discussion about data protection and privacy
- GDPR is only about the personal data - business data is not includes, neither are work email accresses
- There are special categories of data, that need to be treated with more care - religion, health,..
- One can only use personal data for the purpose it was collected - no sending them cupons for sales from the events data
- Quiche is not a pie
- General discussion about food preferences and as a universal topic
- How is the meat eatable for a longer time: UK make it reacher - ends up in the pie, parts of Asia make it spicer, make a food that lasts longer like goulash, smoking it, making it into a saausagues, ...
- General discussion about food preferences and as a universal topic
- Euromyth
- The lightbulb cartel, they made the lightbulb brighter, and that made them last shorter
- People still take books (like 1984) as blueprint and inspiration
- The first British animated movie was Animal Farm
- The media can influence the perception - Animal Farm is not a children's movie but can appear to be from a quick glance
- The impact of the 1980s film Threads ( )
- Funny movies recomendations (and other movies recomendations):
- Hundreds of Beavers ( )
- Late Night with the Devil ( )
- The Beast
- The Fall Guy
- The Monk and the Gun
- Monkey Man
- All of us strangers
- Old Man Movie
- Ben
- IndieWeb Film Club
- similar structure to IndieWeb Carnival someone picks a film every month invites people to respond
- Similar to IRL film clubs in discussion
Visiting the cinema is great!