Homebrew Website Club Europe/London was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2025-02-26.
- Archived from:
Joe Crawford
Paul Watson
Al Abut
- Zachary Kai:
Kevin Marks (late)
- Template:carrvo
Tantek Γelik
- ... add names
- Welcome to HWC!
- MathML follow up from FreSH this week
- IndieWeb Carnivals
- Movie Club for this month
- Affirmations carnival has 26 submissions this month
- IndieWeb_Movie_Club
- /starbucks pages on personal websites
- There is no /starbucks page on but there is /chipotle
Joe Crawford has now implemented a /starbucks page but is open to a better slug to enumerate coffee or tea or other drinks
- There is no /starbucks page on but there is /chipotle
- What we are doing on our websites
- Zachary added Webmention support to their website
- James has been working on his feed reader
- We're talking about websites today!
- Zoyander is experimenting with PeerTube -
- PeerTube supports federation via ActivityPub so you can connect with others
- Choosing who to federate with can take time
- Someone can subscribe to a PeerTube account on Mastodon / other ActivityPub tools
- lets you follow Mastodon accounts, and vice versa
- Paul added a text fragments to a quotation on a recent blog post (
- Links say "View in context" and link directly to the part of a page that Paul has quoted
- Substack seems to override HTML fragments / highlights in Firefox; the behaviour is inconsistent across browsers.
- How does Mastodon, etc. interpret fragment links?
- Internet Explorer limit was ~2000 [Joe, please correct me!]
- Bluesky may be limits on URL sizes.
- Book recommendations
- Same as Ever book
- Inventing the Renissance book
- 100 page idea book post by Tracy
-, inspired by
Angelo Gladding's blogging.
turning text reference links into blockquotes as part of autolink
- /88x31s
- 88Γ31 Buttons overlaid on a picture of my jacket:
- Offline support (actually, this is the one I meant:
- Depths of Wikipedia is a live show about obscure Wikipedia pages
- James now has a Starbucks page on his website:
- Readers can present content how they like
- Kevin demo'd an Instagram reader that looks like Pinterest, made ~a decade ago when Instagram had an API.
- Content types on AP
- Images, videos, spoiler tags
Possible Topics
- enabling /MFA on (1) your email inbox(es), (2) domain registrar account(s), (3) web host(s)
- who is using what European domain registrar(s) and/or web host(s), and opinions/features?
- ...
- Projects in the IndieWeb org on GitHub
- Usually projects are moved if it is collaborative and has community adoption
- We encourage people to start a project in their own GitHub / GitLab / code forge / website.
- We also encourage people to look at existing projects to see what can be improved!
- Starting collaborative projects
- Create a repo, start with a statement of intent of what you want to build / your vision
- Share with others who may be interested!
- Jump into a new project!
- How Linus started Linux
- See "Aug 25, 1991"
- A new slashpage - for pizza -
- Now I would like a pizza
- Finding motivation to start new projects
- A project you are thinking about for a while may be a good sign you want to make it
- Setting a direction for yourself -- "I want to walk that way; let's start figuring out things that are involved and the steps I can take."
- inspiration that strikes late at night and won't let you go
- Starting small and building something for yourself.
- If you have an end goal it is easy to tie yourself into the goal and lose track of what it is you wanted to accomplish.
- Don't focus on the bridge five steps away when walking through the forest; focus on what's in front of you -- the immediate thing.
- No premature optimisations.
- You could focus on approaching projects that you can do in a day.
- Working on something when the idea comes, even if it's late at night. βReminder for the web devs out there: if you can make a website, you can make a webgame All of the 2D stuff on my site just uses ordinary HTML/CSS/JS, eg the items in Styscraper are DIVs with background images, there's no framework or special renderer. Browsers are a lot faster nowadays!β
- "Crisp sandwich day":
- "analysis paralysis"
- "epistemology" - The Ada Palmer book I recommended is at least partly about epistemology
- Seeing that I made a typo made me laugh :D
- We used two words that start with "epist-"!
- Also epistolary
- Layers in software development:
- When you build software, you could create an API for someone to use or make a UI that people can use
- Frameworks take time to learn
- Binary Cmdlets for script-component interoperability:
- Interactive webserver in PowerShell:
- What we're planning to do for the next week
- Writing on our websites
- Adding features to
Joe Crawford Updating MathML page on artlung lab
- After posting to Bluesky, Kevin shared
- Adding portfolio content to our websites
- Live updating pages
- The page updates if the content on the server has changed
- updates live
- Uses the background notification API in the browser?
- Pattern: read structured text (i.e. from a wiki) and create a new representation of it.
- as an example
- world cafe chat on IRC in internet cafes in 1994/95
- the magic of getting an interaction from somebody who is across the planet
- there is a lot to explore here from a deliberate design perspective
- mental health and joyful experiences should be core considerations in tool design
- push_notification#Distraction
- we (IndieWeb) can focus on mental health and more joyful experiences, rather than services who want to just get your time in front of their app or your passive surveillance data
- what
jo did on their website during the call:
- "why is social media not fun anymore?"
benji is working on an RSS feed for the IndieWeb Movie Club and IndieWeb Carnival
- Has a demo working on localhost right now
- Building websites that interpret raw data and add functionality, etc.
- "mashup" web concept
- "make stuff out of the web"
- Open data
- Having a personal website where you talk to the world is valuable
- Communicating URLs to people; the joy of being able to say "go to" for example that lists the books you looked at.
- WordPress auto-redirects (like
- Being able to open your website to answer a question
- Others may look something up in their notes; we can look things up on our websites.
- People IRL may not be interested in your website, but it's still useful to one's self.
- Digital gardening is related to the idea of all the slash pages we have been talking about.
- RSS is something that younger people don't really know about
- We shouldn't let that get lost!
- Podcasts is a good context -- you don't need to subscribe via Spotify, etc.; you can download the mp4/mp3.
- Many email clients support RSS, like Outlook.
- Sites that support RSS/Atom
- YouTube
- GitHub
- Tumblr
- BlueSky
- Mastodon
- Many news sites have RSS support
- Eric M showed off at events/2025-02-25-front-end-study-hall
- Unrelated to RSS I learned more about LaTeX yesterday and I added to with some of what I learned yesterday.
- "Web-headedness"
- A reader could broadcast the number of subscribers on a reader
- This could be done in a user agent
Scraping various home pages for lists of links to turn into a feed - good or bad idea?
- Inoreader has a feature that lets you manually create a feed for a page if one isn't found
- js;dr may be a problem
- Links may be wrapped (like the ones on
- There may be a social media account with RSS support (i.e. Mastodon) for a website that doesn't have an RSS feed
- Instagram is hostile to the web.
- There are many features that are technically possible that Instagram disables / doesn't offer (no feeds, etc.); the reason why many open web technologies are not embraced is because it's not in their interest.
- The IG app supports DMs
- Q: Can you bookmark the URL that lists your most recent DMs?
- Q: Can you bookmark deep links to chats?
- "Why is Instagram limited in annoying ways?": answering this question in a way that gets people thinking about the nature of social networks.
- How can we help the younger generation learn more about RSS / open web standards?
- Send people to if they are tired of the status quo :D
- Not everyone has the tools that we all have.
- Experiences of using Google Drive because we have to for a collaborative project, not because we want to; there being few intuitive experiences.
- Assumptions that someone uses a tool (i.e. asking for someone's IG account to exchange contact info, asking someone to write in a Google Doc who doesn't have an account / doesn't want to use the service).
- Complexities of installing Etherpad.
- "@abc" doesn't include the context of the service that someone uses (did the author assume that someone would look tem up on IG?); what if the author doesn't have the same handle on all services. As more social medias pop up, it is hard to guarantee you can use the same name.
- Configuration as a way for someone to design a solution toward their needs.
- Software that can do many things can do the one thing someone wants.