
From IndieWeb

This is the 2015 IndieWebCamp schedule

The schedule is still in development and is open for suggestions based on the attendees. There will likely be some participant sessions determined the day of the event on an open session grid, as well as a few scheduled speakers.

All times are local times. We'll sync-up sessions across the different locations as we can!

Friday 2015-07-10

IndieWebCamp Pre-Parties :

IndieWebCamp 2015 PORTLAND Pre-Party (Hosted!)

Saturday 2015-07-11

Idea Sessions. Main etherpad: http://etherpad.indiewebcamp.com/2015

IndieWebCamp Day 1 Brainstorming Sessions (-).

Esri R&D Center Portland, Oregon

PDT Picard Riker Geordi Worf
9:30 9:30 Breakfast
10:15 Introductions / Selfdogfood Demos of what works today

▶️ 1:51:30s

12:30 Building Blocks Indieweb and Community
13:30 Group Photo, then Lunch Break
14:30 Books! Metadata! Microformats! Network Flow
15:30 WordPress Micropub State of the Union Indieweb Node JS Modules
16:30 Post Styling Indieweb Reader Static Websites
17:30 Microformats as the Database Podcasting
18:30 Intro to Workshop Day, head to dinner!

IndieWebCamp Group Dinner

  • TBD, ,

Sunday 2015-07-12

Work Sessions. Hack day. Build stuff and demo it!

Esri R&D Center Portland, Oregon and The New York Times New York City, New York

Time Picard Riker Geordi Worf
9:30 Doors open, breakfast
10:30 Day 2 Kickoff, Hack Day Intro, Scheduling

▶️ 58:42s

11:00 - 12:00 Start Creating!
12:00 - 1:00 Catered Lunch
13:00 - 14:00
16:00 Demos

▶️ 47:10s

17:00 community cleanup
17:30 camp closed!
17:45 after party - TBD!

Other Years